You’ve packed a hospital bag for the deliveries of your own babies—but as a surrogate, what should you pack in your hospital bag when delivering your surrobaby?
Because you will not be caring for a newborn—and potentially not staying in the hospital very long after the birth—some surrogates opt to pack very lightly for delivery, while others still bring all the comforts of home with them.
Experienced surrogates shared with us their “must-haves” to include in their hospital bags. Use the list below to see what you might want to pack in your own hospital bag
Kelsey shares what she packed in her hospital bag for her delivery.
Your Surrogate Hospital Delivery Packing List
Post-Delivery Clothing
You want to be comfortable, and many surrogates choose loose-fitting clothing options. Hospital-provided gowns may do the trick, but if you want something cozier, we suggest you bring what will be most comfortable. Be sure to take into consideration what will feel best on your body, especially if you have a C-section.
Here are commonly packed items:
· Nightgowns
· Fuzzy non-slip socks
· Postpartum underwear
· Comfy pajamas
· Slippers
Personal Items
While you likely won’t be getting dolled up, photos WILL be taken of this momentous occasion. Some surrogates bring only a toothbrush while others bring their entire toiletry kit—how much or how little you bring is up to you!
Here’s what’s inside most toiletry kits:
· Toothbrush and toothpaste
· Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash
· Hairbrush
· Lip balm
· Moisturizing cream
· Adult absorbent underwear
Must-Have Accessories
Don’t forget the little things, the ones that you use every day and would be lost without!
· Sleep mask
· Hair ties
· Blanket
· Favorite pillow
· Pumping equipment if you’ll be using it
Food & Drink
You never know when you’re going to need a drink or quick snack and not have anything nearby. Packing a few of your favorites is an easy way to curb hunger and stay hydrated!
· Favorite water bottle
· Electrolyte drinks
· Snacks
Wondering what kind of snacks are best to bring? Mommy Labor Nurse offers some suggestions.
These are perhaps the most important items to pack so you can stay connected and entertained! Some of our surrogates shared they liked having their favorite music playing in the delivery room while others were excited to catch up on streaming shows and movies during downtime.
If technology is your thing, don’t forget to pack:
· Phone charger (the longer the cord, the better!)
· E-book
· Tablet or laptop
· Headphones
· Bluetooth speaker
One last thing to consider packing is the birth plan that you worked on with your intended parents. And make sure your primary support person knows where your packed bag is located so they can bring it to the hospital for you, just in case. It’s always good to be prepared!
Wondering how else you should prepare for the big day? Many of our Circle Surrogacy team members are experienced surrogates, here to help you through every step of your journey. Reach out to your dedicated support team at any time.