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Surrogate Application Process

Our application process is designed to ensure that women who are applying to become surrogates feel informed and supported, just as they will be at each step of the way throughout the journey.


The Application Process Consists of 3 Steps:

We’ve broken down each step to provide you with all of the information you will need.

1. Initial application and question answering

2. Introduction to the surrogate portal

3. Surrogacy consultation with our Surrogate Support team

Initial Application

Our initial application is designed for us to learn the basics about who you are — where you live, some details about your previous pregnancies and medical history. This portion takes just 10 minutes to complete. 


We suggest reading through our surrogate requirements before going through the process of filling out this application. Requirements for surrogacy are put in place to ensure you are a good fit for the process emotionally, medically and physically. If your answers do not match the qualifying requirements, you’ll know right away. Not meeting the requirements to be a surrogate is not a reflection of your health or ability to carry a pregnancy but simply means that you do not match our specific qualifications for surrogacy, which include criteria for successful IVF.


After completing the initial application, our Surrogate team will connect with you to continue the application process in our Surrogate Portal. 



The Surrogate Portal

After our Surrogate team reviews your application, has gathered any additional or clarifying information and determines you meet all requirements, you will be welcomed to our surrogate portal. Our surrogate portal will guide you through simple tasks that take you one step closer to being accepted and ready for matching with intended parents.


You’ll be asked in-depth questions about your health history and matching preferences, complete medical release forms and more. Once we collect your medical history and records, we securely share this information with the clinic of your intended parents to review as part of your medical screening. 



Surrogate Consultation

Once you complete all of your portal tasks, and both you and the surrogate team feel you are a strong candidate for surrogacy, you’ll advance to the next phase of the process, the Surrogacy Consultation. This meeting with a  licensed mental health professional will be a video call to talk more in-depth about your motivations for becoming a surrogate, what your support system will look like, what your interests are and more. This video call is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you might still have.


Once you complete the surrogate consultation and the team feels you’d be a great fit for surrogacy, you will officially be ready to match with intended parents!



Take The First Step

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